A great much has transpired to get to this point where a young man in some raggedy shoes and a car we had to jump afterwards, showed up in the midst of the mist of Hurricane Delta on parking lot at the intersection of Highway 51 and Noncannah Creek to have the chance to ask for his dream.
The muses are powerful around here and so in media res we must go to follow some conventions.
We left but not until I had to come back and boost Wesley’s car off. I meandered my way to getting paint for Othello Artz. It took multiple stops but got some more dark green. At some point, I had nothing better to do while the paint lady got the orders in order.
From there, I went to pick up Isaiah and we went on down Tchulahoma to say high and drop off the paint.
Got home and looked through the footage and could not find the part with Wesley speaking and so slept miserably but not before coming together with some plan to do a patch job.
The next day, I began to put the video together and found the part I needed where I had forgotten to look but remembered to put.
Hooray! That was put together in about what is in the video for when Jay and Wesley came over to Velma. We all looked at it and then they stayed around and messed with the microphone. Before a half hour was over, the pilot of “The Pilot’s Seat” was on tape.